Welcome to the East Coast Pilot website
Keep your copy of the book up to date using the resources on this website.
As ever, constructive feedback to the webmaster about the site is most welcome!
For updates for the all-new 2022 edition of Imray's 'North Sea Passage Pilot', go to the NSPP page>>

‘East Coast Pilot’ is the best-selling pilot book for the coast, rivers and creeks between Great Yarmouth and Ramsgate, written solely by us for all who cruise these waters, just as we do.
The new 6th Edition, hugely updated from the 5th, was published in May 2024.
Site last updated 28th Jan 2025 (Latest News)
Latest News >>
- local news items that affect pilotage and Navigation around the ECP area.
Latest: Ipswich Lock; Thames Barrier; Tollesbury; Crouch - seals; Deben/Ore; New ECP edition; Lowestoft.....
Downloads >>
- The latest 2024 chartlets of the Deben and Ore entrances.
- download and print other useful info for the East Coast, plus any book update chartlets and Rolling Road diagrams.
Book Updates >>
- keep your 6th Edition of ECP bang up to date with our unique service. There will be no more updates for Edition 5.
Recent updates: Felixstowe Ferry; Thames Passages; West Mersea; Orwell; Deben; Blackwater; Roach; Swale.
Engage with the ECP Community >>
- contact the Team
- ask Honorary Port Pilots for local advice.
- submit suggested book updates.