ECP Book Updates - 6th Edition - from May 2024.

Download a file of all updates here >>  which is up to date to 22nd July 2024, includes every text amendment so far, and shows the latest in red font. It can be printed from whatever device you view it on.

Its first section also shows latest updates in order of date applied, latest first, to help you keep your book up to date on a regular basis.

Most recent updates include changes to details for River Stour, Titchmarsh Marina, and Ramsgate approaches.

ECP Book Updates - 5th Edition - After 31/7/2024, these will only be available on request. No further updates are being added to the 5th edition.

We no longer carry a web page for each chapter's updates.

Download a file of all updates here >>  which is up to date to end-April 2024, includes every text amendment so far, and shows the latest in red font. It can be printed from whatever device you view it on.

Its first section also shows latest updates in order of date applied, latest first, to help you keep your book up to date on a regular basis.

Most recent updates include changes to details for Ramsholt, on the River Deben, and those for the River Roach.

Note that this applies to text updates only. In addition, there are several updated chartlets and diagrams for the 5th Edition listed on the Downloads page of our website. They should print at the same dimensions as the originals and can therefore be pasted into the book. If you cannot access these online, please contact the authors for a copy.


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