Latest News                                           Last Reviewed and updated 21st August 2024


Tollesbury - dredging (21st August 2024)

Visitors to Tollesbury Marina will welcome the fact that a dredging programme in the marina has been partly completed, clearing the heavy silting from the SE side. The remainder, in the areas of A, B and C pontoons, is scheduled to be done next February. 

River Crouch - baby seals (17th June 2024)
“Mind Your Wash” - A new notice from the Crouch HM -
"Mariners are requested to be extra vigilant and reduce their speed and keep wash as minimal as possible when passing newborn seals, particularly in the River Roach area.
The Conservation of Seals Act (1970) protects common seals during their breeding season and it is illegal to cause disturbance that may affect the newborn pups.
Your co-operation in this matter would be appreciated."
DEBEN and ORE ENTRANCES (Updated 29th May 2024)
The new chartlets for the Deben and Ore entrances are now available on our Downloads page. 
As usual, both chartlets give buoy position details so these are not repeated here. An advice note downloads with each chartlet, and as of today both notes include an aerial photo of the relevant entrance.
If you have any doubts, do consult the relevant HM (details in ECP) before attempting entry or exit. 


NEW EDITION OF ECP (Updated 13th May 2024)

We are delighted to announce that the 6th edition of ECP has just been published. It's immediately available by direct order from Imrays,

and retail outlets will be stocked in the coming days.
As with earlier editions, the entire book has been reviewed again, and we have personally revisited every venue (by boat when possible) and updated the text and venue information with the hundreds of changes found. The vast majority of photos used are new as well. Our publishers,
Imrays, have excelled themselves with new layout ideas which take advantage of our new high-definition aerial photographs.


Thames Barrier Test Closures (26th February 2024)

You can access the latest schedules of test closures of the Thames Barrier, covering November 2023 to April 2024, and May to October 2024, on our Downloads page.


Deben - Ramsholt Harbourmaster (Updated 26th January 2024)

In August we noted that George Collins, long-serving HM at Ramsholt, was in hospital and had retired from the HM job. We are very sorry to report, rather late, that he passed away in December. George was a fine local character, so kind and helpful, and so many of us have reason to be grateful to him over the years. He is now commemorated on a plaque at Ramsholt.

His replacement is Ian Moore, and visitors needing a temporary mooring should now contact him using details shown in our list of updates, via the Book Updates page. I'm told that new mobile number will now stay with the job no matter who does it. 


Great Yarmouth - Herring Bridge Commencement of Operation (27th Nov 2023)

Herring Bridge was brought into operation today, Monday 27th November 2023.  This will affect all vessels who wish to transit from seaward through to the berths to the North of the Herring Bridge and the Norfolk Broads; and in the opposite direction from the Norfolk Broads and berths to the North of the Herring Bridge, through to the South of the new bridge or to sea. Further information on the bridge, Scheme of Operation, opening procedure guidance, bookings and other useful guidance can be found on the Norfolk County Council Website:


Tollesbury Marina (4th Sept 2023)

If you are heading for Tollesbury and needing a visitor berth, it's best to call them on the phone, as we understand they are not able to handle VHF calls at the moment.


Raysand Channel (14th July 2023)

The marked Raysand route across the shallows north of the Crouch has been revised, with changes to buoys and to their positions. The details are shown in our Book Updates download, which is available from the Book Updates page.


Suffolk Yacht Harbour (26th July 2022, updated 20th March 2023)

Further to the words below, we understand that many people have complained to SYH about the closing of the store in the chandlery, and that as a result a service will be restored in the near future. More details here when they are available.

Original posting - A number of readers have expressed disappointment at the closure of the small general store within the chandlery at Suffolk Yacht Harbour. Good news: visiting yachtsmen can pre-order food deliveries from Jen at the Harbourside Kitchen, the new cafe established on site by the gate. If orders are placed before 1500 hrs they’ll be available for collection from the cafe after 0930 the following morning. If you know when you’re arriving and want a food box ready for your arrival you can call Jen on 07786935472, or email her at Butchery products are prepared Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and all staples such as bread and milk are delivered daily.


Bradwell Marina - entrance channel tide gauge (3rd May 2022)

Thank you to an ECP reader who informed us that the tide gauge on the pole at the river end of the entrance channel is missing. We’ve been in touch with the marina who tell us it was knocked off by a passing boat and will eventually be replaced.
Canvey - available chartlets and diagrams updated (3rd Feb 2022)
The incredibly detailed and useful chartlets and diagrams of Benfleet Creek and the Rays have been updated again by Phil Bostock. As usual they are available on the Benfleet YC website.


Middle Sunk - warning (6th Dec 2021)
We don’t cover cross-estuary short cuts in any detail, leaving that to Roger Gaspar and his ‘Crossing the Thames Estuary’. He warns this week that the Middle Sunk crossing looks no longer viable unless extreme care is taken. Details at, under ‘Week 50’.